“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.”

- Robert Swan OBE

This planet is ‘home’ to all of us, meaning we all have a responsibility to keep it healthy. Every day we're consuming, and all of that consumption has a big impact on the planet, it's unsustainable. Saving the planet is going to come down to businesses being more sustainable and making more sustainable products available, and to people making more ‘planet friendly’ choices. 

Our coffee business is about providing more sustainable options for people, with no compromise on quality, price or convenience. That's why we've made sure Grounded Responsible Coffee not only tastes amazing, but is also 100% fairtrade, 100% organic, certified Climate Neutral, and helping clean up New Zealand’s waterways and restore native flora and fauna. And it’s available at your local supermarket!

Buy One.jpg

buy one, plant one


Certified Organic


Certified Fairtrade



Climate Neutral